A few weeks ago, my husband attended a two day conference called "The Truth Project" hosted by Focus on the Family Headquarters here. It's a really good series dealing with the issues of "What is Truth"...it's an apologetics DVD series. The purpose of the conference is to equip those in attendance to start Bible Studies where the Truth Project series is shown and discussed.
Being that my husband has desired a long time to start a home bible study at our house, he was very excited to embark on this task. He invited about 10 or more people to it and gave them his contact information. So last Friday was the first day it was to start...Jon had printed out a load of study sheets...I spent the whole day cleaning the house preparing for people to come....so 7:00 pm comes around and guess what? No one showed up! Jon and I wait around for about an hour (Jon spent the time on the internet and i spent time consoling him) before we decided to take a night stroll in Garden of the Gods.
My question is...why does it seem like many believers today aren't interested in studying God's Word? We promise to do it...or to attend something related to it...but we never show. Where are our priorities? Is it that game on TV you don't want to miss?
It seems like the general trend is this spirit of apathy toward the things of God among believers. My husband and I have been running an online ministry for almost 4 years now and have seen this trend of believers falling away and losing complete interest in discussing the Word, encouraging each other in the Word, and fighting against false doctrines using the Word. It saddens me to see believers who were so "on fire" for God and digging into the Scriptures, now not caring much to be involved in anything to do with it at all. They'd rather follow their fleshly desires, i've seen these very same people fall into believing and spreading false teachings (i.e. that hell is not eternal, that everyone is going to heaven, that there's no such thing as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that God is only one person, that Christ wasn't God, that baptism is required for salvation, that if you do not speak in tongues then you're not really a Christian...and so on), i've seen them fall into sexual sins and engage in coarse joking and commit adultery and fornication, i've seen them fall into homosexuality, drunkenness....and the whole time ignoring the fellowshipping of believers and the rebuking of God's Word.
I've heard people say that they've read through the Bible so many times that they "know all of it" and have been in so many Bible discussions over the years that they don't care much for them anymore. Are these the words of a true follower of Christ? A true son and daughter of the only living God? Did Christ, who's spent eternity with the Father say that He's seen it all and knows everything so there's no use in sharing and continuing a relationship with God?
Could we be experiencing the beginnings of the "great falling away" discussed in 2 Thessalonians?
2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition.
I don't know...it's just discouraging and disappointing to see such a lack of interest in the things of God (not to mention people living no different than the rest of the world) by those who claim to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Why are Christians not interested?
Posted by
Danae Zenor
4:08 PM
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